Brush Pediatric Dentistry Blog

Teeth Through Time: The Origin Story of Pediatric Dentists

October 15, 2024

a child having a dental sealant cured by a pediatric dentist

Today, when you think of a pediatric dentist, you imagine a specialist dentist that’s amazing with kids. What you don’t think about is that the overarching profession of dentistry goes back countless centuries, with pediatric dentists only first entering the scene in the 1900s. Read on to learn about how the education, standards, and knowledge of growing smiles has changed throughout the years, and when pediatric dentists were first introduced to the field of dentistry.


Oral Hygiene & Homeschooling: 3 Activities for Teaching Healthy Dental Habits

September 11, 2024

a mother showing her daughter how to brush her teeth

If you’re a part of the 3.1 million parents homeschooling their children in the United States, it may feel daunting getting back into the flow of the school year and teaching your child important life skills. If you haven’t already started teaching them about the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene, the beginning of the school year is the perfect time. Read on for three helpful activity ideas to teach them how to take care of their smiles and prevent cavities.


New School Year, New Team: Why Does Your Child Need a Mouthguard?

August 26, 2024

high schoolers playing football

Participating on an athletics team in middle and high school can help your child learn about comradery and teamwork, two important and uplifting aspects of playing sports! However, as a parent, you may be focused more on the risks of them being out on the field or court. Something that can put your worries to rest is investing in reliable protection, like a professional mouthguard from their pediatric dentist. Read on to learn about the importance of protecting your child’s smile during their games and practices and the different types of sportsguards available.


The Lifespan of Baby Teeth: When Do They Erupt & Fall Out?

July 10, 2024

a mom cleaning her baby's teeth

Children seem to grow up so incredibly fast. Two major markers of time for many parents are the eruption of their children’s baby teeth (primary teeth) and when they fall out, signaling their little one’s growth and development. During these times, routine visits to their pediatric dentist are crucial to make sure their oral structure is developing properly. Learn about your child’s dental health and development below, like when you can expect their first teeth to emerge and fall out, and how to tackle teething discomfort.


What Can You Expect at Your Child’s First Dental Visit?

June 18, 2024

a child having their teeth cleaned by a pediatric dentist

Parenthood is a joy, but it can also be incredibly stressful, especially when it comes to experiencing firsts– like their first ever visit with their pediatric dentist in Hinsdale. Although you may feel anxious about what’s to come, including how your little one will react when they first hop into the treatment chair, opting to see an experienced specialist who only works with children is a great way to alleviate some nervousness. Another way is to learn what you can expect during the visit and how to prepare your child, which you can read more about below!


Is Your Child Ready for Their First Electric Toothbrush?

May 14, 2024

a child holding a toothbrush up to their mouth

The best toothbrush for your child is the one they are excited to use! As they get older and start to take care of their dental health more independently, you may find them asking about whether they can get an electric toothbrush just like yours. Knowing the best time to make this upgrade can be difficult, especially if you’re not sure what factors to consider before you tell them “yes!” Before making this costly investment, read on for some important details that could help determine whether your little one is ready for an electric toothbrush.


A Parent’s Guide to Children’s Dental Health: 4 Facts to Know

April 16, 2024

a parent brushing their child's teeth

As a parent, there’s no way you can know everything about your child’s oral development and risk factors to keep an eye out for. However, having trusted experts in your life, like your child’s pediatric dentist in Hinsdale, will allow you to make decisions about their health that you feel confident in. Read on to learn four important facts about children’s dental health and development so you can continue enjoying their precious healthy grin for years to come!


Swap These Easter Basket Sweets for Cavity-Free Fun

March 15, 2024

a child with bunny ears on hunting for Easter eggs

Easter Sunday is just two weeks away, which means you’re likely trying to brainstorm how you’re going to design your child’s Easter basket and what you will include in it. While the occasional sweet isn’t going to harm their smile, if you load their basket up with sticky treats that they’ll be snacking on for a month, it could lead to cavities. Read on for some creative small gift ideas for your child this Easter that will be just as exciting as candy, but that won’t lead to a trip to the pediatric dentist!  


4 Ways You Can Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 8, 2024

a mom brushing her child's teeth

Did you know that this February is National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM)? Sponsored by the American Dental Association to raise awareness of the importance of children’s dental health, this month is intended to educate parents and caregivers on how to teach good hygiene habits. Read on to learn more about the history of National Children’s Dental Health Month and four ways you can celebrate!


3 Reasons Routine Dental Visits are Important for Children

January 10, 2024

a child having his teeth cleaned

The supportive structures of your child’s smile begin developing in gestation, and before you know it, their teeth will erupt and they’ll be ready to eat solid foods! Once they get older, they may require braces or be at a higher risk of developing cavities due to their diet or underlying medical conditions. All of these developments can be not only explained, but also closely overseen by a pediatric dentist at preventive visits! Read on to learn three reasons you should take your little one in for routine checkups and cleanings early on.
