Pediatric Dental Post-Op Instructions Hinsdale and Downers Grove

Detailed Care Guidelines for a Fast Recovery

Mother helping her daughter use a tablet

After your child undergoes a dental procedure, there are things you can do at home to make sure they heal correctly and quickly. We’ll go over all of these tips when you come to see us, but if your child (or you) needs a little reminder, we’ve included them here for your convenience. If you have any questions about what to do, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Brush Pediatric Dentistry.

Oral Care After Local Anesthesia

Smiling child sitting in dental chair

Local anesthesia administration will most likely cause the tongue, teeth, lips, and surrounding tissues to go to sleep or feel numb. When you take your child home after a procedure requiring local anesthesia, please keep the following in mind:

  • Keep a close eye on your child for at least two hours after treatment.
  • Remind your child that their face is numb and that they should avoid chewing, scratching, or sucking on the area as this could cause irritation or abrasions.
  • Limit your child to liquids and soft foods until the numbness has subsided.

Post-Tooth Extraction Care

Smiling boy leaning back in dental chair
  • Ensure your child doesn't bite, suck, or rub their lips together while they feel numb. Watch them closely until any anesthesia wears off.
  • Prohibit your child from rinsing their mouth for several hours.
  • Keep your child from drinking any carbonated beverage or using a straw the entire day of the surgery.
  • Warn your child not to put their fingers or tongue in the empty socket.
  • While blood-tinged saliva is normal after an extraction, extended periods of active bleeding is not. If your child experiences sustained bleeding following an extraction, place gauze firmly over the socket and have them bite down for ten minutes. You can also use a wet tea bag. If this bleeding persists, call our office or proceed to the nearest emergency room.
  • Ease your child's pain using Tylenol or any form of Motrin as directed for children.

Aftercare for Dental Sealants

Girl smiling as her dentist shows her toothbrush and model of teeth
  • Prohibit your child from eating ice.
  • Say no to sticky, chewy, and sugary foods like caramel, taffy, and tough fruit chews like Starburst or roll-ups.
  • Encourage your child to maintain excellent daily oral hygiene.

Aftercare for Space Maintainers

Girl giving high five to her pediatric dentist
  • Keep your child away from sticky, chewy, hard, or crunchy foods such as gum, caramels, Milk Duds, licorice, gummy bears, jelly beans, beef jerky, nuts, popcorn, ice, hard candies, jaw breakers, and corn on the cob.
  • Tell your child to avoid pulling on or poking the wire(s).
  • If your child's space maintainer comes loose or breaks, call our office so we can evaluate and decide whether the appliance needs to be reinforced or rebuilt.